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Tuesday, November 2, 2010


It's that time of year again; time when the long range forecasts have the weather folk mentioning the "S" word (snow). It's not due in our area for a little while still, but it has made appearances just over the MA border. And that means I need to have the Jeep ready to go.

But, this means I need to get it inspected, and despite all the work that'd been done on it recently, it still wasn't going to pass with a directional lens that looked like this...
Fortuantely, when I bought this thng a couple years ago, the guy I bought it off of had a spare directional lens to go with it. And whaddya know - it was for left side, too! Nice! Too bad the mounting tabs were broken. Hmmm...well, I'll just have to come up with a workaround...

It's the trusty Dremel to the rescue again! Using a cutting disk, I separated the old lens from the old housing...
...and cleaned it of all remaining black plastic. Turning to the housing that was still mounted on the Jeep, I cleaned that up as well, then applied a bead of caulking...
A few shims of scrap wood to hold things in place as I drove to the inspection place (Seeing as how I'd waited until yesterday to fix this, and the sticker had expired on Sunday, I didn't have time to let it cure overnight.)

Would the shims hold it in place, or would it rattle off, only to be shattered as my tires ran it over? Time would tell...

Legal, for one more year!!

Now if only that snow will hold off...

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