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Monday, July 18, 2011


I saw one of the most ridiculous bumper stickers the other day. It said "I bet Jesus would have used his turn signals". Now I'm the biggest proponents around of people using their turn signals, and it really grinds me when folks carefreely turn this way and that, without any thought or care for those behind them...

But to invoke Jesus? Hell, the combustion engine hadn't even been invented back then, let alone turn signals. And who are you to claim to know what Jesus would or wouldn't do? Are you the person who the question "What Would Jesus Do" (WWJD) is aimed at? Are you the person who, when that question is asked, answers proudly "I have that answer."?

Because, at least in this instance, I Know What Jesus Would Do. He'd punch you in the eyeball for your insolence.

He probably wouldn't even signal beforehand.

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