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Monday, March 26, 2012

Dog-Gone Dirty

I’d been eyeballing Snoopy lately. Not in any inappropriate manner, mind you, but in a “Man, you need a bath, chum!” kind of way. It’s one thing to catch the ladies’ eyes, but proper hygiene is important if you want to hold their gaze. And in looking through the blog history, I found it’d been over two years since his last one!! That doesn’t say much about me as an owner, but hell, Snoopy’s first appearance (in Charles Schulz’s comics) was in 1950 – that makes him 62 years old. Certainly old enough to speak up for himself and get a bath now and then.

I digress. Back to the task at hand; first, we needed a “before” photo to be used as supporting evidence when arguing with him about the need for the bath in the first place.
I got in real close for this pic. I wanted him to see just how extensive the level of filth and grime had become. He wasn’t keen on this, and sat silent and stoic, sunglasses on, not speaking to me.

The bath itself went fairly well. He still wasn’t talking to me, but once the warm water and soap had covered him in nice, foamy bubbles, I think he loosened up a bit. And, when I was scrubbing his head, I could swear I saw his tail wagging, but he would never admit to it.

It was then time to dry him off. (You’re not going to get far with the ladies when you smell like a wet dog!) Snoop was a big fan of the hair dryer!
Yeah, we were fast becoming friends again at this point. Once he was dry enough to go back outside, he was quick to hop back up to his spot on the dash. Nice and clean, and feelin’ fine in the sunshine!Ladies, Snoop is back!

Ride Hard, Take Baths!

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