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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Jersey Wrapup

We made it home in decent time, despite our directional foibles. The rain didn't stick around long, but the overcast/gloomy skies didn't fully break until we were back in Mass. (The fogginess in the skies was matched by the fogginess in our heads.)

So, was it worth it to take ride 250 miles down into Jersey, just to go bar hopping with Mike for one night, only to then ride another 250 miles home with our livers yelling at us?

Of course it was! It was a great road trip! We had great rides down and back, got some decent miles on, and got to hang out with our good buddy Mike!

Zig's final tally (I didn't set my tripometer):

Not a lot of miles, but plenty of smiles to go along with the miles we did get. It was another successful road trip! Thanks Mike!

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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