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Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pre-Run for the Shayne's Run

We held our annual pre-run of the Shayne's run this past Sunday, to check the route for road maintenance, traffic issues, and construction that might be going on.  Rally point was Danno's house, and the time was 10am.
However, the weather was still acting up, and the morning dawned wet and dreary.  At around 9~ish, the call came in from the man himself; the rally time was being pushed up to noontime.  Ok, not a problem, we'll see you then.
When noontime arrived, the bikes started appearing and by the time it was time to roll, we had collected 12 noisy machines (there should have been a 13th, but my Alzheimer's kicked in and I forgot to let Greg know the time had changed - sorry Man). 

We departed and things ran smoothly and well.  A little blocking at 5-corners, a quick stop at Shayne's memorial to share a beer with him, and then it was back to the route.  A little more blocking, a decent lunch break at Victory Lane in Millis, and then it was a short blast, ending at the Post.  There, we collected a few road sodas from the bar, then headed out back to discuss the route and the plan...and anything else that happened to come up in discussion.  It was a good afternoon, and I think we're in good shape on the route.  (Time will tell on that, though, and there will be at least one more pre-run as we get closer to show time.)

Whew...almost done.  One more quick blurb and I think I'm caught up on things...

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