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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Bleeding Out

The days have been sunny and warm, with temps in the high 60's, even touching an occasional 70 now and then.  Beautiful!...but decpetive at the same time.  Clear skies in the daytime allow the sun's rays to come in at full strength (for this time of year) - that's the upside.  The downside is that clear skies at night allow the ground, still cold from the winter months, to purge it's cooler temps, leaving us with quite frosty mornings.  I'm talking; frost on the blades of grass and vapor crystals when you exhale.  It makes for some invigorating rides in the morning.  But, come the end of the workday, the gear is stowed, the thin gloves are donned, and it's an enjoyable cruise along the streets toward home (and then beyond, to whatever the night holds).

So bleed your cold temps out, Mother Earth.  We're on the downslope toward summer and can withstand chilly mornings for a bit longer.  Soon, the winter riding gear will again be collecting dust in the back closet, and we're all looking forward to that.

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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