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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

TPS Report

The bike is back in my hands, and the good news/bad news is what I'd noted, earlier.  The engine is nice and quiet and the power band is more than back.  I had it well up over triple digits on Saturday, and there was still throttle left.  Sweet!

Uhm...to any local constabulary who might be perusing this blog, my speedometer is calibrated in Kmh, so when I say triple digits, I'm not going any faster than 60 mph.


Anyway, where was I.  Ahh, yes.  So that's the extent of the good news.  The bad news is that the hiccuping and lurching is still happening.  I did some research and the next thing I'm going to tackle is the Throttle Position Sensor (TPS, for short).  There were a number of folks who have posted forum notes that their bikes were suffering similar issues that were corrected when the TPS was replaced.  (I wasn't aware there could be multiple symptoms when the TPS went, or was on it's way out.  The only experience I've had/seen is that the throttle just cuts out completely when the TPS is acting up.)

Thankfully it's not a heavily expensive part and with any luck, it won't be too involved to replace.  (And with any luck beyond that, the bike will run like a top again.)

Wish me luck...

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