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Monday, July 21, 2014

Big Nick's Run

Saturday found us headed back to the Cape - this time for the 5th Annual Big Nick's Memorial Run, in memory of the Cape Cod service members who have given their lives for our freedoms.

A few of us had done this run last year and were very impressed with both the community support, as well as the LEO support, so it just made sense that we'd do it again this year.

The one issue we'd run into with last year's run was sitting in traffic on the way down.  So, we opted to hit the road a couple hours earlier and then get breakfast once we were safely on the Cape.

The day dawned a bit chilly and overcast, but temps were to rise into the upper 70's, with some breaks of sunshine (but no rain), so all in all; not a bad day at all.

Let's get to the pics!

The obligatory "lined up out back by the dumpsters" pic.  Let's eat!

What a motley crew.  Don't get your fingers near their mouths!

Arrived and registered.  Just like last year; tons and tons of bikes!

Here's a panorama shot that Greg took...

As we were strolling up to the front for the pre-run ceremony (including a welcoming by Nick's father), I spotted this bare-bones bobber and had to snap a pic...

The opening ceremony went well, and we welcomed other members of Nick's Marine platoon who had survived the attack and had made it home.  It was  very somber and emotional watching them walk to to be greeted, and everyone applauding and thanking them.

From there - back to the bikes and let's ride!  I tried snapping some pics along the way, but they didn't come out well.  Maybe I need to figure out my Go Pro again so that I can capture some still shots that way.

Anyway, suffice to say that once again the community was out in droves.  All along the entire route, there were pockets of folks lining the streets, clapping, waving flags, holding up support signs - truly amazing!  It was all very moving.  Even the tough MC guys who were riding with their faces covered weren't able to resist the emotions, and by the time the run was near its end, they too were waving back at folks.  How could they not, when there's little kids bouncing up and down, waving and smiling at you?

The run lasted about an hour and a half at the Dennis-Yarmouth High School.  No fear of kickstands punching thorugh the parking lot this time around, the sun had only broken through the cloud cover a few rare times.

The parking lot soon filled and folks streamed off to get their feed on.  We joined the throng and were soon stuffing our faces with the usual run fare of burgers and dogs.

While the rest of the guys were finishing up and miling about, I strode around the parking lot to get a rough count on the number of bikes, as well as to see if there were any that I liked.

This bobber caught my eye, or course - a minimalistic Flathead - fantastic!!

I should have thought to check the tag for the exact year on this one, but my best guess is it's a 1918.
 Very impressive!

I tried snapping some pics of the parking lot to give a good presentation of all the bikes, but they all fell short of delivering a decent representation.  And then I spotted a guy standing on top of the school's trash compactor, taking pics.  And excellent spot!

I give you; the parking lot!
 There were 20 rows of bikes, with roughly 40 bikes per row.  There were some gaps in there, but there were also bikes lined up off to the side which I hadn't counted, not to mention the bikes that didn't stick around for the cookout.  Best mathematical guess was 800 bikes for the day - not a shabby turnout at all.

Here's a later model HD, with the flat-black paint option.  I actually kicked around the idea of getting this color on my new bike, before finally settling on the Daytona Blue that I have.

I really like the look of the saddlebag extenders, with the longer flared rear fender.  I'm not sure I'll do it on my bike, but I do think it adds an element of badass to a bike's look.

An awesome Triumph bobber - love the straight, wrapped pipes!

Hey, it's the bike I saw before, back at the registration site.  Well, I might as well snap a pic of its other side while I'm here.

This is the monster-sized flag the Yarmouth FD had flying over the parking lot.  I'd tried getting a good pic of it in full bloom when I was taking a pic of the parking lot, but there was too much wind.

So I did the next best thing and stood under it, looked up, and took a pic.  It may look like just a pic of an American Flag, but this flag was mammoth in size!

After a bit of time, we all gathered at the bikes and decided to head on back.  There was a Margaritaville party going on at the Legion that afternoon/evening, so let's get to it.

And alas - here is what was waiting for us on our return trip.  Greg even suggested taking a different route to cut around this nonsense, but did I listen?  Nah.  (Next time, I'll listen!)

Lastly - this is my favorite picture of the day, but unfortunately, I didn't take it.  I didn't even see this.  In my haste to get out to the parking lot and check out the bikes, I'd missed this assembly of Battle Crosses; one for each of the members of the Cape who have given their lives in battle.
Fortunately, Greg got the pic and sent it to me so I could include it with the writeup.  I will have to make sure I keep an eye out for this next year.

And there you have it; the 5th annual Big Nick's Ride for the Fallen.  You can bet we'll be there for the 6th annual.

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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