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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Labor Day Addendum

Lots of addendums lately...

I received an email from Lynner which had a few pics that Karmen had sent her;

The first two are of a plastic kickstand plate from Jamestown Harley.  I can only surmise that one of the Olean crew placed it onto this branch a fair time ago.  If you look closely, it appears the original branch was snapped off and the plate was stuck onto the branch stub.  The stub has since sprouted a new branch which is doing quite well...

The third pic is of Russell's marker.  Someone placed stones below it in a strategic manner - it certainly looks like a face, peering out from beneath the marker.  I'm sure Russ would have found it quite cool indeed.

Ok, that's all I've got for ya today.  Hope you're all doing well and getting some miles on...

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