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Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Perils Of Amateurs

The Dedham Post run a fundraiser motorcycle run today to benefit the families of fallen heroes.  It's a good cause, the weather was perfect, and folks were looking forward to a good day.

The problem with many runs is it brings out the novices and amateurs; folks that don't know how to ride well on their own, let alone in a group.  Too many times these brainfarts think a run is a great place to gain some riding experience.  It's not.  All you're gonna do is fuck things up for those of us who are trying to have a decent day, so do everyone a favor and stay the fuck home.

Today's run was a prime example.  Some shithead with more dollars than cents decided to bring his bike to the run.  It was a custom jobber with I'm sure lots of time spent redoing the stock workings and in turn; making the bike less reliable.  He arrived with a group of other riders and they took their place in line.  As it turns out, this wound up being in the middle of the pack.

Sharon had been asked to help out with blocking so we were in the front to start but began to stack up at the rear, after we'd each taken our turns in the various intersections.  This is a normal part of a run, and things were flowing smoothly.

Fast forward to about half way through the run and this asshat with the custom job apparently has a problem with his bike so he pulls over into a gas station.  Ok, that's fine.  But then all his idiot buddies jacked their brakes and jammed the rear of the column to a stop so they could pull off with him.  This was about 8 or 10 bikes, which left a huge gaping hole in the middle of the column, which only got bigger and bigger as the front of the column proceeded off into the distance while the rear of the column was stuck behind these idiots trying to jockey their way off into the gas station.  And what happens when there's a huge hole in a column?  It gets filled with impatien cars and other vehicles.  And the folks in the rear of the column often don't know the route, so they don't know what turns to make or where to go, so it just turns into a collective cluster fuck.

Good news and bad news. The bad news is I had to come in to work today (yes, I'm at work right now).  The good news is that since I had to come in today, I was already planning on peeling off early.  Well, when this bullshit happened, it just meant I got to peel off a little earlier.  I took the next detour and headed back to my house, grabbed some paperwork, and headed in here.

I hope the folks found their way back ok.

And I hope the asshat's bike exploded and took his idiot buddies out with him.

Ride Hard, Stay The Fuck Home If You're Too Stupid To Ride In A Group.

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