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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Just Can't See Getting Any Older

This whole "getting older" thing sucks.  Yeah, it's cliche' to say that and we all know it to be true, but I'll press on with it anyway.

The latest example for me is how it's getting harder and harder to clearly see the roadway at night.  Granted, some of this is due to my sucky low-output, yellow-beam headlight, but most of it is due to my eyesight losing it's youth.  I've been realizing more and more that as I'm rolling along roadways in the darkness, especially when there's traffic coming toward me and their headlights are washing out my own, that I'm riding on pure "blind" faith that there aren't any obstacles in the road.  I can't see the surface to know that it's clear.  And that's bad.

I need to see about upgrading my headlight situation, and I'm hoping there's something out there that's a better option than that +$300 light which I returned a few months ago.

Oh well, moving on...

I really need to get my bike in for its service, I think I'm about 500 or  600 miles over, and have another run going on this weekend so that will wipe out the option of bringing it in then.  I'm kicking around the idea of bringing it in tomorrow at lunch and then hopefully picking it back up on Thursday at lunch.  The problem with that is it'll take me at least an hour to get there, let alone the time needed to drop it off/pick it up, and then the hour ride back.  How do I explain my extended lunch periods?  I'm not sure but I'll try to think of something.  (They offer a free bike loaner for 24 hours, so that would cover me getting back to work and then home and then back to the dealership.)

Lastly, it's that time here at work; Halloween.  Folks keep asking me if I'm all set with my costume yet.  Nope, I'm not.  In fact, I haven't even thought of anything yet - I just feel burned out.  I need to get my head right, though, and think of something fast.  The party/contest is 10 days away...

Maybe I should go as the Invisible Man...and just not come in...

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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