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Friday, October 14, 2016

Light At The End Of The Tunnel

I'm waiting on one answer from an exec and then I'll be able to hand off my budget plan.  That'll mean an end (hopefully) to the long hours and working on weekends.  Sweet!

So what do I have in store for this weekend to celebrate not having to work?  Not a thing!  I tried making an appt to bring my bike in to Boston Harley this weekend to have the 35k service done but they have an event tomorrow and a huge run going on, on Sunday, so they're pretty tied up.  No to say they couldn't do the service, but they probably couldn't get it done within 24 hours, and that's where the problem comes in.  My "priority" service plan alots me a free rental bike for 24 hours, so I ordinarily would be able to drop the bike off tomorrow, take the rental home, then go back in on Sunday, return the rental, bring my bike home.  I will try again for next weekend.

The weather looks like it might be halfway decent so I'm going to see about taking the new bike out - the mountain bike, that is.  Having weighed myself in the gym the other day and finding that not only have I regained all the weight I lost in the Spring, I'm even heavier than I was, originally.  So burning off some calories via pedaling won't hurt me a bit.

I'll probably take the real bike out some as well, even though I'm 300+ miles over the service interval.  It's all synthetic fluids, though, so I imagine it'll be fine.

Not much else is going on.  Kinda looking forward to having a drink when I get home; a luxury I haven't afforded myself in some time, due to the long hours and fried brain cells of late.

I'll try and find something fun and exciting to do this weekend and bore you with the details about it on Monday.  Have a great weekend.

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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