Fruits of my labor...(stupid rocks!) There was another pile to the left of this one, too.
I think I broke through...if you look closely, you can see a Chinaman waving up at you.
Enough! I surrender!
Plumbing, vent and output lines are in place. Starting the backfill process...
Ejector plumbed into place, concrete base poured (for the bricks), and hole partially backfilled. (Four pipes; the main drain line is the 4" at the top of the pic, dropping down into the ejector. The left pipe is the laundry feed, tying into the 4" just about the dirt. Middle pipe is the vent and the right pipe is the ejector output, which will tie into the street exit.)
Brick walls built up. (The depth allowed us to run all the pipes out to an exterior wall so they'll be completely out of sight and we wouldn't need to build any half-walls to hide them. Additionally, with it being so deep, I shouldn't hear it operate at all.)
Everything backfilled and concreted back up. When that all dried, the manhole cover went on and we had a safe walking area again.
Another shot of the final layout and poured concrete...
Framing! Here's what will be the shower stall. Going to be all tiled, should look good.
More framing. Shower stall is in far background, bathroom area is the square in front of it. Notice the manhole cover in place, too. That will be covered by carpet and will be behind the bar, out of sight. Shouldn't need to access it for at least 20 years (so I'm told) but if I need to, there'll be easy access to it.
Running more framing along the back wall. The bar is going to butt up against the bathroom wall, in the background, and run out parallel to the framing in this pic. (Notice the soffets running along the top of the walls. What fun and time-consuming things those things are!)
That's about where things stand right now. I spent yesterday cutting/installing the spacer pieces of 2*4 that go in between the studs, and also along the bottoms, for the blueboard. I didn't take any pics of the venting in the attic - that's pretty straight forward.
Bet you didn't know that tornados have been known to touch down in Walpole, did you? Yep; very centralized ones, and they're fond of basements.
Sure hope I can get this place cleaned up before the pig roast in May!
Progress updates will be sporadic, but I'll get 'em up here as they happen.
Ciao for now.
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