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Monday, September 14, 2009

2009 Labor Day Trip, Day 1

Wednesday: My plan was to roll out of the driveway @ 6:30 and head for the first rest stop on the Pike to meet up with Zig, but if by chance we happened to catch each other on the highway before reaching said rest stop, then we’d just keep on pushing. I succeeded in hitting the pavement on time and sure enough; I caught up to Zig on the highway so we blasted by the rest stop and hammered for westward.

The weather was excellent, traffic treated us well, and we made great time, arriving in Olean around 3:30. We headed directly for the King’s house to say our hellos - imagine our delight at being greeted with our very own welcoming sign! Alyssa and Pat had gone to great lengths to put together this most-awesome sign!

After we parked, Pat and Alyssa greeted us with smiles and hugs and we relaxed for a bit before heading back out to grab some grub at a local establishment. After that was completed, guess where we aimed our tires for? Yep; the V! Once we arrived, we sidled up to the bar and said many hello’s and shared road stories and cold frosties. Late into the evening (and after keeping Mary working behind the bar for an hour past closing time, we headed back to King & Pat’s and crashed out for the evening. This brought us to the end of day 1.

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