Hello? Is this thing on?

Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Time? No Time!

The m'cycle vacation was a success and overall, we only had minor hiccups to deal with; I blew up an old lady at the VFW, Zig and I had a run in with a state trooper, and a disaster of historic proportions nearly occurred when the Northeast's alcohol supply was almost obliterated by our band of thirsty travelers. I would love to fill you in with the details (and I shall, I promise!), but I've been slammed at work this week. I have no time for recounting tales of fun and frivolity!

But all is not lost. I've started the write-up and I have a ton of pictures to post up here. I won't have a chance to work on things over the weekend, but hopefully next week I can get some stuff up here, even if I just post each day's events separately.

Hang on, it's about to get interesting around here...

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