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Tuesday, July 20, 2010


There I was this morning, minding my own business...all while doing my business (so to speak). Per the doc's orders; I was peeing into a container so that I could then strain that through the filter to see if the stone came out. All of a sudden, I felt a tiny flick right at the end of my...well...you know, and *plink* there was the stone. Awesome!! Wait a minute...you wanted me to filter my pee to find that thing? I didn't need a filter for that thing, I needed a net! It was way bigger than I was expecting, but hey, at least it's out and now I can breathe easier about heading out on the Kentucky trip. It's nasty looking, too - sharp edges and jagged. No wonder it beat the hell out of me. Are you guys cringing? Good! Let it be a lesson; drink lots of fluids! I know I will be from now on...

Moving on; Kentucky departure is tomorrow. I still have to pack and get a travel plan laid out, but things will come together. I'll have pics and stories to post when I get back.

Ride Hard, Take Chances!

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