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Monday, September 19, 2011

6th Annual Lance Crprl Shayne Cabino Memorial Run - 2011

The day started early; this was my first year of being a part of the Shayne Run Committee, and I met the rest of the Staff @ 7am for breakfast. From there, Greg and I rolled out and checked on a segment of the run to make sure things were in good shape (I actually posted that pic on Saturday morning but just logged on and saw that it didn't post, so it's up there now, but looks like it was from today. It wasn't.)

Anyway, we then made it back to the Legion and set to prepping the parking lot for the coming masses. Things moved slowly for a while and I was nervous that the other run going on that day (one town over) was going to rob us of many numbers. Thankfully, my fears were unfounded, for once the start time approached, scores of bikes began pouring in and we were soon scrambling to find places for folks to set their kickstands.

When the K'stands-up time was a mere 10 mins away, it was time to bolt inside for a quick cold one, and then back out to fire things up and roll on out.

The ride was good, three bike cops leading the way. At one point, they were lined up three abreast, all in one lane, and it was quite a cool sight. Would have been great to get a pic, but oh well.

Returning to the Post, we set to the food and drink with reckless abandon. Everyone had a great time and many, many raffles were grabbed up by many a happy folk. Not everyone can be a winner, as I plainly demonstrated. None of my $1 tickets were good for anything other than soaking up spilled beer on the table. In fact, my luck was so bad, that, as some folks had to take off early and were leaving me their tickets, at one point I must have had close to 75 tickets in front of me...all worthless. When the last of the regular raffles were claimed, I gathered up my useless pieces of paper and tossed them, then headed off for more mingling and laughter.

Suddenly, I heard my name being called out over the speakers, and folks were yelling at me to go up front. Holy crap, I'd forgotten about the "premium" raffles! I'd pitched in some tickets toward the Sam Adams prize pack and whaddy know - I won it! You've seen the pic, so you already know the story, but just think; 12 cases of Sam Adams beer. How frikkin' sweet is that!!

The rest of the afternoon wound down with more laughter and libations. The weather had been great, the turnout had been great, and I can't wait to hear how much money we raised for Shayne's scholarship fund. Every year, this thing just seems to get better and better.

From there, the decision was made to head to Ziggy's for an apris-party, complete with a fire and a keg, courtesy of George's brother. We managed to kill that thing, as well as many of the individual cans and bottles found in cases and 30-packs scattered about. A great way to end a great day.

In summation; thank you again, Shayne, for your fight and sacrifice. Your name lives on in the hearts and minds of your family, your friends, and hundreds of folks you never even met.


Ride Hard, Take Chances, and Thank a Vet!!

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