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Thursday, January 19, 2012

My Humblest Apologies

I’m afraid I owe sincere apologies to those of you who have been enjoying this fantastic extended riding season. After all, this has been the best winter EVER ON RECORD for those who like to roll on two wheels for as long as possible before having to put them away once the ‘real’ winter arrives. Yes, it’s truly been quite a run. A run which I’m sure will never be repeated during our lifetimes. It’s been amazingly awesome, hasn’t it?

But alas, all great things must come to an end. And as I’ve suggested previously; the great weather would come to an end once my bike was ready, and you all would have to retire the bikes for a while.

I talked to the dealership yesterday and they had the parts and would need two more days to get everything assembled, test-ridden, and ready for my pick-up. That puts it at possibly tomorrow (Friday) but most likely Saturday that I can pick it up.

Forecast for tomorrow (Friday); 3+ inches.

Forecast for Saturday; 6+ inches.

I hate my life.

I don’t care if it’s a fcuking blizzard, I’m riding the fcuking bike home as soon as I get the green light from the dealership.

The weather gods can go fcuk themselves.

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