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Friday, April 27, 2012

Russell's Road, Take II

Back in April of ’09, I blogged about Russ having posted a “Harley Road” sign at the end of his driveway. For one reason or the other, the folks that were going around at the time and notating the names and placements of streets (for the internet mapping programs), listed Russ’ driveway as a legitimate road; Harley Road. And for quite a while, if you went to Google Maps (or Mapquest, or any other mapping program) and typed in “Harley Road, South Thomaston, Maine”, it would direct you to Russell’s driveway.

Alas, the joke has faded a bit, as the on-line mapping community has seen fit to correct their mistake. Not all is lost, though, for the short, non-public road that sits just down the street from where Russ lived, is now the proud owner of the Harley Road moniker.

So what happened to the original Harley Road sign that Russ had? Well, Rob saw fit to bequeath it to me and now it resides proudly above the bar in my basement. (I dare not post it outside, for fear of someone stealing it. Try as I might, these signs cannot be found anywhere and if I were to lose this one, I would not be able to replace it.)

Thanks for the great prank, Russ - who else can say they've had their driveway logged into the entire internet mapping community?

The joke lives on, even if only in the retelling of the story.

Ride Hard, Pass Memories Along

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