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Thursday, June 7, 2012

"Should I Stay Or Should I Go Now"

Much like the Clash song of the same name, this question has been posed to me just now, here at work.  Why, you ask?  Well, here is the weather radar map of what's going on right now.  Where am I, specifically, on this map?  Well, if you look right at the middle of the screen shot, do ya see that nice yellow patch with the tinge of orange in the middle?

Yep, that's where I am.  My co-workers are placing bets on whether (get it?  Weather?) or not I make it home soaked or not.  See, the patch of nastiness is moving, but not that fast.  Judging by what the radar map is telling me, if I were to stay here at work for an extra hour, I would be fine (it would pass over).  Hell, even a half-hour, and I might be ok.  But the thing is, that means I'd be here...at work...longer than I need to be.  And that's not what I call a good time.

And my co-workers know this, hence the reason for the betting.  (The thunder and lightning aren't helping my odds, either.)

Screw it.  It's only water, and I've got a warm shower and dry clothes waiting for me at home.  Time to gear up and get rolling.

I never played the odds before, why start now...

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