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Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Matty and I headed up to Rex's place this past weekend to kick back on the lake with him and Kim. It was a nice, relaxing time, and we beat the heat a bit with many dives off of Rex's boat. That was definitely worth heading up for. The other thing that was worth heading up there for, was so that I could get some photos of a stone wall just down the street from Rex's house. I've passed it before but never stopped to get pics before, but I made sure to do so this time around. Approaching the wall, there doesn't seem to be anything abnormal about it...
However, upon slightly closer inspection, one can see there there is something very different about this wall. Something very different, indeed!
Blogger (the website I use to host this blog) is acting up on me something fierce, so instead of the nice, smooth-flowing writeup I had planned, I'm going to see if I can just put some words down and then post the pics at the end. Long story short; the wall was built by the guy who lives here, and he pulled all the stone out of his own land. Well, perhaps not the center piece of granite. Maybe he saw that somewhere and that's where he got the inspiration to build this wall, I don't know. But it's so cool - I've never seen anything like this. And, there's even a little surprise at the end of the wall; a little critter, hanging out in it's own little cave. Enjoy the pics!