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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Blue Wheels of Valor

Let's see, I owe you some pics from this past Sunday's Blue Wheels of Valor run.  I wasn't able to snap any while we were riding, but I'd hoped to collect a bunch from Facebook, but unfortunately; they haven't been posted yet.  Anyway, here's what I do have for ya;

At the start of the run.  Looking right, we see two rows of escort, lined up and ready...

And to the left, there was another row of escort.  This had to be the highest number of police escorts I've ever seen.
It was pretty amazing to watch them way, way up ahead, leading the huge column (450+ bikes) down the roadways.  And, at the end of the run, they paused a bit at the last set of lights so that all of their guys could come together at the front and lead the whole procession into the ending parking lot.

Speaking of parking lots, I strode around, looking at what sights were there.  This was the only bike that caught my eye.  It was pretty sharp!

This was what greeted us as we rode across the Boston Marathon finish line.  Well, that and the hundreds of people lining the streets who were clapping and waving to us.  It was an awesome, awesome feeling.

There was another giant flag waiting for us when we got back to the BBC (the restaurant where the after-party was being held).  All told, I think we passed about 4 or 5 of these giant flags, and it's something I never get tired of!

The Honor Guard that presented, upon our arrival...
These guys had things timed perfectly, for what we didn't know, was there was a helicopter fly-over, too!  They had a guy off to the side (out of the picture) who played TAPS, and just as he was finishing, a helicopter buzzed LOW, right over our heads.  I wish I'd known it was coming so that I could have my camera ready.  It was amazing!

Time to eat!  The event was well run and everthing went very smoothly.  Even the food lines (two of them) moved very quickly.

Pulled pork, corn bread, marinated pork (separate from the pulled pork, and just as tasty), mac and cheese, salads, etc.  Quite a feed!

Thanks buddy, you were tasty!
Harpoon Brewery was assisting with the event and had a beer tent set up of their own offerings.  Their pumpkin ale was very good, but we soon moved inside to get out of the sun.  Inside, I stumbled upon something from Southern Tier brewery, called Pumking (yes; Pumking).  It had a different, almost cinnamon-y taste to it at first, but I really liked it.  I'll have to keep an eye out for it.

And there you go; the Blue Wheels of Valor run.  It was a great day, with a great turnout.

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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