Hello? Is this thing on?

Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Roasto Preppo

It's Wednesday before this year's Cinco de Roasto and I'm itchin' to hit the road.  I've got a Legion Riders meeting tonight, there's a B's game (Game 7!!) on tonight, and I've still got a lot of cleaning and preparing to do at the homestead, in preparation for an onslaught of visitors this weekend.

The weather?  Yeah...it seems my streak of good weather has run its course.  The forecasts are wavering, though.  Some say 68% chance of rain, others are saying 70%...  :-/

No matter - the event will go on, regardless!  Tim and Lynner are hitting the road tomorrow, staying overnight at the 'Vous motel, and then completing the journey on Friday.  I hope they don't get too wet...

I haven't been able to catch up with Mark yet, but I'm told that he is riding out so it will be great to see him!  It would be great to see Bryan as well, but the last I heard, he was still in the deciding stage, as he's not sure his schedule will allow for the trip.

I've also heard rumblings that Myszka might make an appearance again this year, but that has not been confirmed...or denied!  (When I texted him about it, his replay was very vague.)  So here's hoping I'll get to see him, too.

I've got some canopies, some quick pop-ups, and some tarps lined up and ready.  I've asked folks to "think sunshine", and some have even said they're going to do anti-rain dances for me.  It can't hure, right?

Even if it is a soaker, the basement will be in full swing I'm sure, and we're going to have plenty of fun, regardless.

Almost time to head on outta here.  Those of you that I will see on Saturday; Bring It!  Those that I won't; you have no excuses for not coming!

Let's get this thing started...

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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