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Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Back Up and Running

I've been meaning to get something posted up here, as I was afraid it'd been far too long.  But I see it's only been a week, so I guess that's not terrible (albeit; not great).  I wish I had something more for you but I'm still sidelined from riding because of my back.  It's coming along slowly and I'm actually starting to do some exercising again, but I haven't yet taken the step of swinging a leg over.  That will change this weekend, though.  I found out late Tuesday night that one of our brother Legion chapters is holding a memorial run on Saturday so me and a couple of the guys will make the ride over to help support their cause.  I'm sure I'll know soon enough how my back feels about being back in the saddle.

Let's see...what else.  Kanabroski's wedding was this past weekend, and that was a great time, with great people.  Lots of laughs and I'm sure; lots of funny looks from those around us.  Oh well.

So there you go - that's all I've got for you.  I know this blog has been pretty lame of late but the better weather is upon us and I've got my fingers crossed that I'll have some good stuff for you soon.  Bear with me.

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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