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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Ya Gatta Regatta!

It's almost time the 2015 Regatta!  Unfortunately there were only three hardy souls who were daring enough to sign up this year.  Then, even more unfortunately; two of those three backed out yesterday so it's just gonna be me representing Mass this year.  Oh well.

I'm not looking forward to the trip out and back because the kayak doesn't travel well on top of the Jeep.  Not to mention the Jeep isn't very comfortable for long periods of time.  Me and my kayak were supposed to go out in my buddy's pickup with him, but now that he's out, it's just me and the Jeep.

I'd actually contemplated seeing if I could rig up a trailer to tow my kayak out behind the bike but there just wasn't enough time between locating one, securing it, possibly registering and insuring it, let alone rigging up the tow assembly on the bike.  So, it'll be ratchet straps and crossed fingers.  It's already an 8 hour trip - but that might stretch out into double digits if I have to go slowly because the kayak wants to take flight.

The one positive is that since it's just me, I can hit the road at whatever time I like.  And since this is in essence a road trip, I won't be sleeping well tonight which means I'll be up and on the road early.

Once I get out there, it'll be good to see the folks again.  I'm planning on hitting the Club for a beer to say hello to the folks that are there, then it'll be off to Mark and Mary's to settle in for the evening.  Then Friday will be off to catch up with Myszka and his crew, then it's party Friday night, then all water all day Saturday, then the long ride home on Sunday...hopefully not too hungover...

Wish me luck!  I won't be riding, but I'll certainly be...

Paddling Hard, Taking Chances

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