Hello? Is this thing on?

Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Let's see if I can get some videos to load.

The first one is on I-88, headed from the motel to exit 23...ok, nevermind, that one's apparently too large (over 100mb).

Let's try a couple from the backroads off of the highway, headed to Batter St...well, the first one falls under the 100mb limit, but the second one doesn't so I'll see if I can just get the first one to load.

Nice, that appears to have worked.

Now let's try a couple from when the storm hit us in PA.  Damn, the first one is small enough...

...but the second (better) one is too big.  That's the one where we've pulled up into the landscape place and you can see the waves of rain plowing across the parking lot.  Oh, and the lightning...as we're huddled under a metal roofed shed.  But we all survived, so it's all good.

Ok, just two vids, I guess.  Enjoy

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