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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Glove Love!

I made up my mind on the way in this morning; it was time to buy some electric gloves.  I'd only made it a couple of miles from my driveway before my fingers were already complaining about the lack of ambient heat in the air.  By the time I'd made it halfway, I was taking advantage of opportunities to let go of the handlebars and shake my hands vigorously to get more blood in to them.  That's bad enough, but beyond that, they're also ancient and bulky as hell (they're not motorcycling gloves, they're snowmobiling gloves that belonged to my father).  Needless to say they do not offer optimal cold protection, nor are they even geared for motorcycles.  They are a mix of glove/mitten (forefinger is alone, the rest of the fingers are in a mitten), which makes it less than easy to use controls on the bike.  So getting heated gloves will be a win-win; my hands and fingers will be toasty, and I'll be able to operate the bike in a safer manner.

I did a ton of research and found a lot of good reviews for the Gerbing G3 model.  More searching led me to The Warming Store website which had them on sale, and an even further search found me a coupon which granted me 5% off the purchase.  So not too shabby at all.  I elected the normal shipping so I don't expect to see them any time soon.  Hopefully I'll have them before the temps drop into the REALLY cold range, though...you know; single digits.

Maybe this'll be the start of something...I already had the electric jacket (which I highly recommend!), now I'll have the gloves.  Maybe an electric pant liner is next?  I don't see myself getting the boot inserts...although, my toes have been complaining a bit as well, and once they see how happy my fingers are, they may well start stepping up their complaints.

Who knows.  I just know that before too long, my hands and fingers will be happy, and that'll lead to longer wintertime road trips, and that'll make ME happy.

Ride Hard, Keep Toasty

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