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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Longing for Longer Daylight

The wintry weather isn't far off.  I don't need a calendar to tell me that, I can tell by how many layers of clothing I have on.  This morning; it was about maxed out, with the most layers being on my face and around the sides of my head.

The attractive weather lady on the news this morning said it was in the teens and I wasn't going to argue with her; it felt every bit that cold on my way in this morning.

It's times like this that I think maybe I should get a full-faced helmet.  It would block the wind on everything above my collar line, and that would certainly make things easier, rather than donning a face mask, neck tube, hat, helmet...and then looking in a mirror to make sure that no skin is exposed.  Which of course only lasts until the first time I have to turn my head to one side or the other, at which point some carefully-placed piece of wind-blocking material is pulled out of place, leaving a tiny, yet very vulnerable, piece of pink flesh exposed.

Maybe this is the year that I buy electric gloves?  Maybe...

I just wish the daylight was longer, for that would mean we'd passed through the clutches of another winter and were on our way to warmer temps again.  More daylight = more sunshine = warmer!

But that's a long, cold ways off still...

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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