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Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Kayaking The Arctic

Tomorrow, we depart for this year's Greaet Valley Regatta.  This is my 4th time going and I have to say that it's time for a change.  The first two times (2013 and 2015), the weather was fantastic, the water level was good, and we all had so much fun.

Then there was last year.  With the cold, and the rain.  Friday night it rained off and on for the entire night and then I remember texting back home on Saturday morning that it was 42 degrees out and I was putting shorts on to go into the river.  WTF

The rain held off for some of the time on the water, but not all of it.  But the thing I remember the most was that I froze my absolute nuggets off.  By the time I got to the end of the run, I was shivering to my core.  Unfortunately, I wound up way ahead of everyone again (I have no idea how I can lose a group of 20+ people along the way, but apparently I'm quite good at it).  So, there I was; cold and frozen, no change of clothes, and no ride back to the campsite until the rest of the crew eventually started showing up.  The rain picked back up back at the campsite and it absolutely poured for the rest of the night.

Ok, ok...well, the first two years were fantastic, I guess we were due for one bad one.  Next year (this year) will be back to beautiful weather, right?

Wrong.  If you can believe it, the weather for this weekend looks identical to last year's.  Rain and low 40's for Friday and Saturday.  Sunday looks different, but not in a good way; rain and snow.  (Actually, that's an improvement.  A few days ago, the % of rain was 100% for Saturday.  Now it's dropped all the way down to...70%.  Fingers crossed that in two more days, it'll have dropped to below 50%.)

So stay tuned, and wish us luck.  We're bringing kayaks, but by the sounds of it; we should be bringing an Ark...

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