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Friday, May 12, 2017

Signage Sadness

I posted a long time ago about folks running stop signs.  But it's happening with such frequency now that I feel I gotta post again.  I'm losing my frikkin' mind here.  Geting cut off just about daily, sometimes more than once a day.  These idiots just come screaming out from side streets - it's bad enough if they almost hit me in the Jeep, but in the bike it's an entirely different story.

And once these idiots who are so intent on making sure they get out in front of me, cut me off?  Then they aren't even going the speed limit.  Why the hell did you feel you had to race through the stop sign if you're then going to go 10 miles an hour below the speed limit??

This morning's example involves one of those white van buses.  Not the full sized yellow ones, and not one of the yellow "short buses", but the white vans that do transport.  (YCN, I'm looking at you because this morning's idiot was working for you.)

Anyway, this fool is entering from the left, on a diagonal road which has a stop sign where it meets the road I'm on.  Since it's a diagonal road, traffic on each road has visibility of the other, so the bus could see me coming and stomped (I mean STOMPED) on the accelerator to rocket through the stop sign and come out in front of me.  Then they immediately slowed down to well under the speed limit.  Why?!?!?

And the kicker?  You'll love this.  My new friend was so safety-conscious that when they approached some railroad tracks, they were sure to stop, put their flashers on and look both ways before proceeding.

Not sure where that sense of safety was when they were racing to cut off the guy on the bike.

Oh well.  It's the weekend.  Get out there and get some miles on.

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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