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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer!

I'd had enough of the whole "on the wagon" thing. Hell, it'd been over a month! I'd been kicking around the idea of ending the madness for about a week now, and then at work yesterday, a couple of buds swung by to see if I was up for heading out for lunch. The plan was to check out a favorite haunt (read: "dive bar") in the area, so I said; "absolutely". And just like that, the deal was done; I was off the wagon! (Loud applause is heard in the background.)

And here it is, Saturday night, and what should be spotted while out food shopping just now? Why...a delectable looking bottle of wondrous refreshment!

Mmmmmmmmm...a nice double chocolate stout! I popped the cap off, being careful not to dent or deform it in any way (the bottle cap bar-top is about to be worked on, but that's a post for a different day).

Nice aroma, smooth taste. A lot drier than I was expecting, what with the promise of 'double chocolate' all over the label. Still, it was a good find (and didn't last long at all).

Mmmmmmm, BEER! :-D

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