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Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Friday, February 26, 2010

Whiskey, and then some...

I had an email from Mark this afternoon. I read it, replied, and closed it. Then I opened it again. Then I closed it and went back to work. A while later, I opened it again. And then I realized that I needed to share this wonderul news with the rest of you. Here is what Mark sent to me;

"I probably shouldn't tell you this, but because of the peculiar limestone water in the area, almost all the bourbon distilleries in Kentucky are within a 25 mile radius of where we are staying.

Lori and Sean offered to rent a bus to take us on a "tour". We"ll have to explain to them the fine art of alcohol directed motorcycle navigation.

That one line keeps reaching out to me; "...almost all the bourbon distilleries in Kentucky are within a 25 mile radius of where we are staying". Brings a tear to my eye...

A tear of frikkin' joy!!

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