Hello? Is this thing on?

Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Friday, February 25, 2011

Is This The Last Florida Post?

Maybe it'll be the last...[shrug] I'm sure there will be other things I'll remember and will have to throw up on here. But, to summarize; it was the best week we can remember having had, in ages. Matt went so far as to say "Best week of my life!"

What goes into making something the best week of your life? Well, you take a few things like;
Escaping a sh*tty New England winter...
Landing in a warm and sunshine-ey climate...
Picking up bikes for the week...
Cruising along turquise oceansides...
Fantastic bars and a mini-New Orleans atmosphere...
Meeting amazing people that treated you like brothers.

Hell, we all got along so well, it was hard to believe we’d only just met. In fact, at one point on Sunday (after we'd been having enough fun to last a month), someone made the realization that we hadn’t even been together for 24 hours yet! (We kept an eye on the time and when the 24-hour mark did arrive, we had a huge hoist-‘n-cheer.)

Simply amazing. I've said it before and I'll say it again; our plan was to hit FLA this year, then Louisiana next year and then California after that. That plan has been scrapped and we are now anxiously counting down the days/weeks/months until we find ourselves once again, heading south, and...

Riding Hard, Taking Chances

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