Hello? Is this thing on?

Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Few Last Pics

I forgot I'd taken some pics with my real camera (as opposed to my phone), so here ya go.

This year's jello offering. I thought for sure this would be enough, but we ran out early on Friday morning. Friday morning!! We still had almost two full days of partying left!! These people are animals...

Another shot of the West Summit view. Thankfully the rain paused long enough for me to feel comfortable breaking the camera out without having to worry about it getting soaked.

3 State View (MA, VT & NY) means there's one for each of us.

Florida? We musta taken a wrong turn at Albuquerque...

And there you go. You've seen myther pics, and if you're on FB, you're seeing more and more being posted from everyone that went. Great time, despite the rain.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Raindezvous Wrap-Up

Another year, another Rendezvous. The term "Raindevous" has been used to label some prior years that saw a fair amount of precipitation - without a doubt, this year certainly earned that nickname! It rained on Kevin, Phil and I for most of our ride out to the motel on Wednesday, it rained on Zig and Chrissy for their ride out that night, it rained most of that overnight, it rained on us while waiting in line on the road on Thursday, it rained while we were setting the tents up, it rained on Ed and Flex for their ride out on Friday, it rained...well...you get the idea.

The lousy weather really kept the overall activity down, and I didn't come away with any great stories this year. I did, however, come away with a nasty head cold which basically kicked the crap out of me on Saturday. Usually, the last day of the 'Vous finds me revelling in the madness along with everyone else, but not this year. This year I relegated myself to a chair for most of the afternoon, nursing waters and gatorade. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to make up for it next year.

We met a lot of new folks this year and had a great time with all of them. I also got to meet my 19-year old son who I apparently didn't realize I had. Ok, so he's not really my son, but damn...he sure could pass for it!

Everyone had a great time and we all made it home safely. I even managed to find my liver on the way home - it'd taken off during the night on Friday and had hitchhiked as far as the Mass border. It took some convincing, but I finally managed to get it to hop on the back of the bike and come home with me.

That's important, because the next trip is in a month (out to Olean), and I have a feeling I'm going to need it. (Oh who am I kidding - I'm going to need it long before then...)

Ride Hard, Take Chances

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Not The Usual 'Vous Ending

No partying today, I managed to catch a lousy cold. Throat's killing, running a fever, basically feel like ass. Time for (another) water, some Nyquil, and bed.

Vous Goo

Just a little bit of mud going on...

Friday, June 24, 2011

Pushing Myself

What a farkin' day. Jello shots, actual shots, and beer. Lots, and lots of beer. And bands. Oh, and it's raining. Again. Not, and much has changed.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Round 1

We're in, first round of tents are up, it's still raining, and we're soaked. Good thing we have lots of beer. Now if only the jello shots would get here...

It's Still Wet Out Here

Not much sleep was achieved last night, but we grab what we can. In fact, everyone is still sleeping. EVERYONE. Whaddya think, should I go rev my engine?

Not Yet...

We're making friends all around us. However, anyone sane has gone to bed hours ago...not us, though! We gotta prep for the 'Vous!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Record Time

Congrats to us: just set a new record for draining a bottle of tekillya. From opened to empty, was mere seconds. That's what you get with a room full of bikers.

No End In Sight

Still Pouring. We're using my kickstand as a depth guage (yes, it's getting deeper!). At this rate, we'll need to call in a water rescue for my bike soon...


We arrived, soaked & cold, but beers were handed to us immediately, so things are looking up. Well, except for the weather...

Western Summit

3 state view, and a brief respite from the rain. And I do mean brief!

1st problem

Downshif to take exit, foot pedal drops away from me. That's bad. Pull off, linkage bolt worked off. A few turns w,/ wrench, back in biz. Now about this rain...

+ 1

We're on Rte 2, met up w/Phil, now back to highway. Rain hasn't been too hard yet, but there's more on the way...


Bike's packed, Snoop's ready...and the skies are foreboding once again. (Forecast calls for rain for most of the day.) WTF is with the weather this season???

Monday, June 20, 2011

And The Fun Just Keeps Coming

Americade last weekend, Laconia this past weekend, and the Rendezvous looms large on the horizon. I’ve been getting a ton of miles on and making up for lost time from the beginning of the season, but all that will change once we arrive in Mariaville on Thursday. The bike’s odometer will remain relatively still, while my liver’s odometer will kick into high gear.

But to recap the Laconia event; the ride up on Friday night was good in that the rain (quite surprisingly) held off. Rode through many a section where the pavement was slick from having been washed recently, but thankfully the rain gods bestowed a rare bit of compassion. (This was to be paid for the next day…)

Arriving at Bill’s palace at a very late hour, I settled in with some welcome frosty BL’s and finished watching a disturbing movie (8mm) with Bill, his son Joey, and his friends. The kids opted for bed shortly after I arrived, claiming the movie was just too weird to really get into. I have to agree with them. Not only was it weird, the acting was terrible. How many times can Nick Cage drop his gun?? If you’d just hung on to the stupid thing any one of those times, you would have saved yourself a ton of trouble (and saved the viewers countless minutes that we’ll never get back again).

The movie was finally over and I figured it was time to get some shut-eye. Nope, Bill had other plans, as he ejected the 8mm movie and replaced it with Wild Hogs. What the…? It’s 2:40 in the morning and you want to watch another…well, yeah…it is a good movie. And we do have plenty of BL’s in the cooler. Ok, I’m on board with your plan. (We did hit the sack after that movie, though.)

The next morning dawned a bit cool and cloudy, but that soon made way for sunshine peeking out and warming temps. We all pitched in and got Bill’s dock into the water, and then Bill brought his boat around (nice boat, Bill!). From there, we cleaned up and headed off to Hawg’s Pen, for lunch and beers, while waiting for George, Em, Gina, Sully and Mike to arrive. They did and we caught up with each other for a bit, then Bill and the kids headed back to the house to take the boat out. I headed off to Weirs to check out the sights, pick up the obligatory t-shirts for the niece and nephew, and to get my…crap, I forgot to get a pin this year. Oh well, I’ll have to get one next year, I guess. Once that was out of the way, I caught up with Kerry and Mary at the Crazy Gringo for some cocktails and laughs. Good times!

From there, it was back to Bill’s house (including getting pounded on by rain) where we whiled the evening away with card games and more laughs. It was during this time that Bill’s house was attacked. Ok, perhaps ‘attacked’ is a strong word, but for those that have seen the Stephen King movie The Mist, this thing reminded me of some of the creatures from that movie. Look at the size of this thing!!

I have no idea what the hell this thing is, but thank god it didn’t know how to operate a screen door! (A very-well oiled, and amazingly easy screen door, to boot!).

The next day, it was up, pack the bike, wrap up some things around the house and then head back to Massachusetts. Not far from Bill’s house, I had to pull over and snap a pic of this rock wall.
This is farkin’ cool stuff!! The imagination and planning that had to go into making this? Sharp, sharp, sharp!

The rest of the story is simple; hit the highways and hit them hard. I fell in behind a couple of Angels for a good piece of the ride as they were setting a very respectable pace. They were from CT so I’d expected to be breathing their exhaust all the way to Walpole, but they turned off onto 495, towards Lowell (no big surprises there).

The rest of the return trip was uneventful and I was soon u-turning it in my driveway and backing up to the garage door. It was time to make some grub, do some laundry, and start the packing process all over again.

Rendezvous trip starts in two days…Gawd this life sucks. :-D

Ride Hard, Take Chances

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Complimentary Coozies?

Round two arrived, swaddled in temperature-saving foam. All this, and prizes, too!

Hawg's Pen!

Love this place. Bikes, Beers, Babes. Aaahhh....


Rex's driveway-even steeper than the pic shows. I had to hit it at top speed to facilitate a hard-brake 180 once I cleared the tar. No way am I backing it down!

No Time For Sleep

It's 2:40am. Had some road issues/adventures but finally caught up w/ Rex @ his house. A few beers, getting late, right? Nah, time for "Wild Hogs" & more beers!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Laconia 2011

Bike's packed, Snoopy's ready, & the clouds are ready to pour. Typical conditions for this riding season. Hey, that hasn't stopped the fun yet, so let's roll!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Surviving Americade

You’ve seen some of the pics from the Americade trip, now here’s a bit of a post-party wrap up for ya. Overall, it was a great couple of days, but that’s because we opted to do our own thing, rather than partake of the official (organized) aspect of this rally.

The plan was for Chris M, Kris, and Smitty to meet up with each other down near the 24/495 connections, then head up our way. Zig and I would have time to grab a good breakfast, then race to the rally point; Rte 1 and 495. Well, in a portent of things to come; the weather dawned fairly rainy, so Zig and I agreed to just meet each other at the rally point, rather than head into the wet mess any earlier than was needed.

Rolling into the rally point (gas station), Zig was already waiting. And a few minutes later (right on time), the other three companions arrived and pulled in to gas up. Introductions were made all around and we were off. As we made our way further along, the rain began to let up and eventually broke off, leaving mostly cloudy skies which, while not as nice as open sunshine, are much better than thick rain clouds.

Rather than sticking with interstate highways the whole way, we felt a nicer, more scenic route was in order, so we ambled along Rte 2, picked up 91 into VT, then peeled off onto Rte 5 through Brattleboro, to then pick up rte 30 for a nice spell through the Green Mountain National Forest. Great, great riding roads through here, and we were really enjoying some nice sweeping bends through open farmland. We’d been keeping an eye on the skies for a while, as the clouds were regrouping, preparing to launch another assault upon us. Before long, the telltale flashes of lightning could be seen ahead, beneath the now-black ceiling we were riding into. After pulling over to don our rain gear, we headed into the teeth of the storm.

In no time, we were being pounded with Noah’s Ark-type rain, followed quickly with the ping-ping, plunk-plunk, crack-crack-crack of hailstones bouncing off of our bikes…and our faces. Perhaps we should have pulled off (like everyone else seemed to be doing, including the logging truck that had passed us while we were gearing up), but we said screw it and continued on. Fortunately, the hail didn’t last as long as the rain did, and we were more than happy to finally ride out of the cell and back into just cloudy skies again.

With that mess behind us, we soon found our campsite, and luckily for us; the grounds weren’t terribly soaked. In no time at all, we’d laid claim to our two sites, tents were raised, clothes were changed, and we were ready to head out and see what kind of fun awaited us.

Kris did a quick “bar” search on his phone and one of the results that popped up was “Sully’s Tavern” (I love the term ‘tavern’ – sounds rustic and full of character). It was agreed that we should go say hello to Sully, and off we went.

What we found was an out of the way, neighborhood watering hole where the people were friendly and happy for our patronage. We met Sue, the bartender, who prefers to be called “Zue” – a nickname given to her by her granddaughter who hadn’t quite mastered her “S’s” yet. We met Gina, the evening bartender who relieved Zue when her shift ended. And, we met Bella, the feisty owner of the tavern. Essentially, Bella runs the whole show here. She even lives above it, and can be found here almost every hour of every day. She was great! They all were! The food was great, the service was great, and the beers ran long into the evening (yes, we drank them out of Bud Light). We joked that we were going to crash in the corner and would help Bella with breakfast the next morning, but once we found they were out of Bud Light, we checked our watches, saw that we’d been there for…many hours, and realized we should probably head back to the site. A quick stop along the way for more beer, some ice, and a few bundles of firewood, and we were off again.

Back at the site, we got a fire going and started attacking the beers. Things were going great and there were plenty of laughs going around, but my long hours of late were sneaking up on me. Much too soon, I felt the telltale signs of sleepytime stealing over me, so I said my good nights and retired to the comfort of my sleeping bag.

The next morning broke mostly cloudy, but not rainy, and that’s always appreciated when you’re sleeping on the ground. Opening my tent flap, I was greeted with the sight of my bike parked just outside, surrounded by forest. It was too good a pic to not share, so I posted it.

Once we were all showered and ready to roll, we headed off to Sully’s again, and there was Bella, waiting for us. She took our orders (no menus, just whatever we want, she cooks), and she disappeared into the back to get working on the grille. Ahhh, nice. A good morning! We’d woken dry, had showered up and were smelling pretty again, and our bellies were full. What next? Why, ride of course!

Chris M (with his GPS) took the lead and we were soon pulling into an out of the way HD dealership; Adirondack. A few pics of the sign, some browsing in the store (some new stickers for the helmet), some innocent flirting with the attractive salesgirl, and we were then back out on the road.

We were soon easing through some amazing roadways (Rte 8 and 9N, in particular). We were nudging our way through the gears; up quickly when a bit of a straightaway presented itself, then quickly back down to take on sweeping turns around river bends. Kris was looking for some good spots to snap some pics in, and before long, a nice riverside pull-off presented itself, so we pulled in.

The river was running high from all the rain…

Stretching our legs, and our gums…
These are great roads, and they're calling to us…
In the middle of nowhere, we stumbled upon a genuine roadhouse; JJ’s. There were a ton of bikes lined up outside; always a “welcome” flag for thirsty travelers. We assumed our spots in the row of parked bikes and made our way inside for some welcome refreshment. Walking around inside, looking at the scars on the floor, the marks on the tables, the general feel about the place - you could just tell that if the walls could talk, they’d have some hilarious stories (and some frightening tales) to share. Truly, a great place! It was quiet at this time (and the group of bikes that had been there when we arrived were getting ready to pull out), but we chatted with a guy outside that was prepping his ginormous smoker…
...and he said it would jam up that night, once the food was ready (~6pm). Well, we’re never ones to turn down food, but we did have more miles to achieve, and we needed to find a place where we could watch the B’s game, so we tilted the rest of our beer down our throats, and saddled up again.

After slicing straightaways and killing corners for a while, we stumbled upon yet another inviting establishment; Susie Q’s. We popped in for a few more brews, a bit of a late lunch, and were soon rolling again.

We found a scenic overlook and pulled in to snap a few more pics of the great sights all around us…

Lined up for a hasty exit, if needed…
From here, it was back to town to find a bar for the B’s game. We’d been advised that the Old Post Grille would be a good place for this, so we located it and pulled in. Right next door, there was a Boss Hoss expo going on, so we strolled over and checked them out for a bit, before heading inside the Old Post.

It was still early in the evening (6 or so, I believe), but we bellied up, front-row, at the bar (admit it; you’re not surprised by this bit of news). The bartender, Samantha, promised us she’d put the B’s game onto the big screen TV directly in front of us, so with everything lined up and ready, we set about ordering grub and road sodas.

As game time approached, we had a few more B’s fans arrive and we were soon all taking turns laughing with each other, as well as shouting at the TV (the B’s were playing horribly). When the carnage was over (many, many hours later), we settled our bar tab (only to find that Samantha was a big fan of us and had given us quite a break!) and headed back to the site. We got the fire going again and managed to wipe out all survivors that were still remaining in the cooler. And with that, it was time to turn in.

Damn. It was time to wake up, break camp, and head for home. And that telltale sound on the tent fly told me it was raining pretty well. Sure enough; it was very wet outside. Oh well, nothing to do but get stuff packed up and get moving. Which we did, then found a Dunkin in town to stuff some food and coffee into our veins. And with that, we were off and hitting the highways.

The rain stuck with us for a majority of the ride, but did finally ease up toward the end. We’d said our farewells at the last gas stop along the way, and as we each passed our prospective exit, we peeled off one-by-one, until there was just Smitty, rounding out the Americade trip in a solo fashion. (Well, I’m assuming that’s how it went, for you see; mine was the first exit, LOL.)

And there you go; Americade 2011. It was my first time “attending” (did I really ‘attend’ if I didn’t do the official thing?), but I’ll definitely do it again, as long as we do our own thing again. It sounds like the other guys are on-board with that plan, too…so technically, there’s no reason why we can’t go anytime, why wait for Americade, right? Yep, that’s something that’s being kicked around, too.

Thanks for the invite, Chris!

We Rode Hard, and We Took Chances

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Could Be Worse

It's raining. Apparently we'll be in it for the whole ride home. Oh well, it could be worse. It's not hailing...yet...

Wrap Up

The B's lost (they looked like Shite!!!), now back @ the site, killing the beers left over from last night (there can be no witnesses)...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Bottle Caps

Bartender has a tray to catch caps as she opens bottles (tray is huge). She just had to empty it (cause of us) & said she's never done that in one night before
She then said if we can fill it again, she'll really be impressed. Challenge accepted! Another round, please!

A Great Friday!

Miles and smiles on the road today, now time for beers and Bruins! Go B's!!

They're stepping up their game. You can get them w/Corvette engines now. 454 HP

They're stepping up their game. You can get them w/Corvette engines now. 454 HP @ rear wheel. The guy started & revved it for us. Instant hardons, all around.

Boss Hoss

Never really been much of a fan of these bikes...but I have to admit, this trike is sharp.

Adirondack National Park

Scenic overlook, off of Route 22.

Suzie Q's

Beers & a late lunch, now on to tackle he other side of the lake.

No Surprises Here

And this is what happens inside JJ's...


This is JJ's. A classic roadhouse joint...

Route 8

Now this is a sweet road!


A few lefts, a few rights, some great straightaways, and we're here. Adirondack! (It's a Three Stooges reference - ask Danno.)

Close...But Not Quite Right...

Told GPS to bring us to the bike shop. Technically, it's correct...

Breakfast With Bella

Back @ Sully's where Bella welcomed us w/ a big smile. Menu? No menu - she cooks whatever we want. Too bad this place isn't closer to home.

First View Of The Day

After Sully's, we had beer & a fire back at the site. Then, this was the sight waiting for me when I opened my eyes this morning. Life is pretty good sometimes.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


We've settled our tab, and despite our protests, some folks (voices of reason) prevailed, and we're headed back to camp. But we need beer, ice, and firewood...

We did it again...

Gina ran out of BL's. Yep, we did it again. The good news is I told Bella (owner) we'd take care of breakfast...and that we're crashing in the corner.


This place is...FUN! Gina is a riot, and in this pic, the's showing Jimmy all the chips that have been turned in from other bars. They even let us use some...

They love us here - Bella (owner) just bought our whole crew a round. Problem i

They love us here - Bella (owner) just bought our whole crew a round. Problem is, we like the tokens and are going keep them & buy our own. (They're ok w/this.)