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Wednesday, June 8, 2011


A few weeks ago, Chris M. put the invite out; he and a couple buddies were heading to Americade, were any of us interested? Well, I’ve never been before, haven’t really heard much about it, but hell, if it involves motorcycles and time-away, then I’m pretty much game.

With a name like “Americade”, one might think ‘freedom’. However, after doing some reading up on this thing, I think a better name for this event would be “If you’re a biker, don’t bother”. A direct quote from the organizers is;

“If you are coming to the Lake George Region during Americade, make sure that you, your bike, your helmet, your paperwork and your attitude are in order.”

Sir, yes Sir! How about I polish my boots and iron my jeans for ya, you douche.

Another quote;
“These are mandatory stops [by the police] for all cycles and involve a very thorough inspection of the bike, your gear and paperwork. If you are planning on traveling through those areas during those days, make sure that everything is in order and plan on the extra time when planning your trip.”

This thing is supposed to be fun?? It sounds pretty Gestapo if you ask me. Fcuk it, we’re going. And you can take those mandatory stops and shove them up your ass. We’re going to sneak in via the backroads and skirt our way around your stupid man-Duh-tory stops, how do you like that?

Thankfully, it sounds like Chris and his buddies are looking to just camp, cruise, and kick back, rather than take part in all the fancy schmancy official events (which you need to stand in line for, register for, pay for, and probably smile-the-whole-time for). I have a feeling that after experiencing this, it’s going to make me appreciate the ‘Vous all the more (like that’s even possible!).

The adventure starts tomorrow morning @ 8:45 when Zig and I meet up for a hearty breakfast before hitting the road. From there, we’ll shoot down to the rally-point gas station to meet up with the rest of the guys. Some quick intro’s all around and then we’ll point our tires to the highway.

And then, Americade, we’ll see just what you’ve got…

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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