Hello? Is this thing on?

Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

An Offset, and Some Welcomed Good News

After catching up on more of the reports from Monday's bombings, I'm happy to see that the lack of care and concern I saw personally, was vastly offset by the amazing outpouring of help, love, and support from so many others.  I've calmed down a bit, and am focusing on the positive stories that are coming out.  That is what is important, after all.

So, from that; moving on to better things.  I had some very good news from King a little bit ago; they're bringing Jerry to Jamestown Harley tomorrow so that he can pick up his trike.  It's been restored from the fire damage and he is very excited to be back in the breeze.  That was a great bit of information to receive, and I hope the weather gods bless him with clear skies and open roadways.  I imagine he and King have a number of roads lined up to roll through, tomorrow afternoon!

Ride Safe, Guys!

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