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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Give 'em The Finger(less)

The weather yesterday was awesome - high 60's by the time I was finally able to shut my computer down and run outside for the ride home.  Unfortunately, I had stuff to take care of, so I wasn't able to spend the evening riding, which would have been most-welcome.

High temps, clear skies, and open roads....well...two out of three, ain't bad (right Meatloaf?).  For some reason, the great weather seemed to bring out the idiots, and my commute was riddled with pokey drivers and folks wanting to cut me off at every turn.  Oh well, at last I was enjoying the great weather.

It was so warm that I was able to trade in the leather gloves for my fingerless summertime gloves.  Yeah Baby!  It was the first time I've worn them this year, and my fingertips rejoiced at the touch of the chrome levers, and the vibrations running up through the bars.  Woo-Hoo!  Bring on Summer!!

Ride Hard, Give 'em The Finger

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