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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Surprise! (Now appended)

Check out what my sneaky friends got me as a surprise early bday gift! More details tomorrow...

Ok, now it's tomorrow (I'm appending yesterday's post).  I was out riding with Nellie on Saturday for a short bit, had a beer with him and Donna back at their house, then headed off to catch Matty at his house.  Settled in for a quick coldie, when Matt gets up and disappears into the house.  He comes back out with a new helmet box and begins to open it.  I jokingly asked if he'd gotten himself a new helmet to match his bike...but then he pulls out this gorgeous bit of headgear and tells me it's for me!

The backstory; some time ago, we were all discussing our favorite movies and I'd mentioned that Easy Rider is mine.  Fast forward to the present; apparently Matt stumbled upon a website that sells replicas of the helmet that Peter Fonda wore in the  movie, and he figured it would make a great basement-warming gift.  He put the order in and then put the word out to the crew, letting them know what he'd done, and everyone pitched in on it.  Thanks, guys!!

I dare not ride with this for fear of anything happening to it, so it will have a place of distinction in the basement.

Who's got the coolest friends in the world?  This guy!!

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