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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Road Trip!

Yep; time for another mini-vacation!  Sadly though, this one will not be on the bike - which is probably a good thing for my back.  It's coming along and feeling somewhat better (and the doc says I didn't fracture anything), but it's still not up for riding just yet.

So what's up with the road trip then?  A few of us are heading down to SC tomorrow for Kanabroski's wedding on Friday.  It looks to be a great time, hanging out with a good crew.  We won't know most of the folks there...but they'll certainly know us after we've been there for a few hours!  There will be a few familiar faces though; the younger kids from the 'Vous will be there and I'm sure there will be some madness and mayem around and about.

Here's hoping everybody has a great weekend.  The weather looks like it will break in time for Saturday, so be sure to get out there and get some miles on!

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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