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Monday, February 16, 2015

For Better Or Worse...

My neck has leveled off in terms of recovery.  The past few days haven't been terrible, but nor have they been great.  I had another adjustment at the chiro this morning and will be seeing him again in the morning.  My fingers are proverbially crossed that the neck will settle down a bit more before the plane takes off.

Yes, that's right; for better or worse, I've decided to make the trip to Key West.  Time will tell if it's a foolish decision or not, but I felt it was worth the risk.  If I'd cancelled the trip and then felt fine on Thursday morning, I'd be kicking myself.

Of course, I may get down there and have a relapse, in which case I'll be kicking myself anyways...

...but at least I'll be away from this horrific winter weather!

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