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Monday, February 9, 2015

The Neck Saga Continues

So let's get caught up, shall we?  The neck is still causing me quite a bit of pain and at this point I'm facing the realization that I may not be able to make the Key West trip next Thursday.  That...would royally suck.  I told the guys that I'll make a final decision...probably a week from today (Monday).  I am really, REALLY hoping that my neck will settle down by then...but I have to admit that things aren't looking promising.  It's been 9 days since this thing flared up, and I can't say there's been any real improvement.  So with only 10 days before departure, I don't know that the odds are with me.

What else...I stopped taking the pain meds that the docs had prescribed.  They were some seriously high-test stuff and they weren't doing anything to fix the problem, so why take a chance with them?  I was only on them for 5 days, but after I stopped taking them, that night; I was wired.  I couldn't sleep and it wasn't because of the neck pain.  I just wasn't tired.  It didn't make any sense to me, but I was talking with my chiropractor afterward and he postulated that even though I'd only been on the meds for 5 days, my brain had started to get used to them (I don't want to say addicted...it was only 5 days, after all).  But still...after that little experience, I can see how folks get hooked on these things so easily.  Yikes.

So that's where things stand.  I'm seeing the chiropractor every day or so at this point as he's the one who's been able to get me fixed when this neck thing has popped up before.  In retrospect, I should have gone to him right away, rather than wasting almost a week by chasing down an MRI and trying to line up surgery.  It would have given me a few extra days of treatments from him.  Would it have helped?  Hard to say.

Ok, back to the spreadsheets.  Oh yeah - I worked the entire weekend; Saturday and Sunday.  That probably didn't help my neck at all, but there's just too much work to do.  Good thing I'm paid by the hour.

Oh crap...I'm salaried...

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