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Thursday, December 17, 2015

Christmas Cards!!

I was at CVS at lunchtime, printing out this year's Christmas cards, when a woman happened to walk behind me, then paused (I could tell she was looking over my shoulder at the picture on the screen) and then laughed.

Sitting down at the photo kiosk next to me, she said;

"When I first saw you, I thought "Isn't that nice; a big burly biker guy is actually making Christmas cards!"  (I was in full gear because it's cold and raining outside.)

"And then I saw what you were making, and I thought; well...that fits."

We had a good laugh and when it was time for me to leave, I wished her a great day.  She seemed like a good sport with a good sense of humor.

Maybe I should've asked for her address to send her one?

Ride Hard, Keep An Eye Out - The Cards Are Coming...

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