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Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Misplaced Trust

The weather forecasters have been saying it's going to a nice week; warmer than normal temps, no rain until Thursday, then a nice weekend.  Sweet!  Sure, we'll probably pay for this later (like last year), but that's "later", and I'll take the good weather "now".

When I walked the bike out this morning, the sky was pretty overcast but I just chalked it up to overnight cloud cover which would soon burn off.  I mean hell; the forecasters have declared clear weather for another two days!  Surely I can trust them!

And then I got to the gym and the TV's were talking about the 60% chance of rain we have today.  Dammit!

Oh well, it won't be too bad.  The temps aren't that cold today and with all the gear I'm wrapped up in, I doubt any precipitation will actually reach me.

Still, though...I shoulda known better than to trust those stupid forecasters...

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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