Hello? Is this thing on?

Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Monday, July 28, 2008

Odds 'n Ends

Attended a beef 'n beer birthday party on Friday night. We grilled meat well into the dark hours and kept said darkness at bay with a worthy bonfire. We toasted each other, laughed at each other, and generally had a grand time. The rest of the weekend was quieter, doing a bit of work here and there.

Zig swung by yesterday to pick up my truck and bring it to the auto auction. I was bummed to see it go - overall, it treated me very well for 10 years, but it was time to say goodbye. Hopefully someone will pick it up for a few bucks and treat the ol' girl with the respect she deserves.

17 sleeps until Zig and I roll out for our most-excellent Sturgis trip. We'll meet up probably sometime this week to hash out our current itinerary plans and try to tighten things up as much as we can.

Another short post, but I'll make up for it with this link. I found this on the 'Vous web board and looked it up. Excellent write-up by a guy named Tom Ruttan about bikers waving to each other. Give 'er a read.

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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