Hello? Is this thing on?

Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Wrapping up and moving on

I apologize; I've been dragging things out. I've had a ton of pics to get posted and I've been slacking in that regard. In my defense, I have been slammed beyond slammed at work. Long days...long, long days and many, many hours, but that's not your concern. Besides; time moves on, and I have a deadline of sorts which is looming on the morrow.

Tomorrow morning, a bunch of us are going to be gathering here and heading off to pay tribute to a brave Marine who gave his life, fighting in Iraq, in 2005. Tomorrow will be the 3rd annual memorial ride in Shayne Cabino's memory.

And I realized that I can't in good conscience, post a review of his ride, and then go back to posting more stuff from Sturgis. Which meant I needed to get off of my ass and get caught up with all the stuff that was still waiting in the wings.

So, that said...you folks have some reading/viewing to catch up on. I've logged a number of posts (9, I believe) showing all kinds of pics from our adventure. And some comments scattered here and there. I hope you enjoy. (And I hope you can get out there to enjoy the adventure yourselves, someday, if you haven't already!)

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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