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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

8th Annual Cinco De Pig Roast

This year’s annual Cinco Pig Roast is right around the corner. Only a few more days until the mayhem kicks into high gear once again. The NY crew is revved up and itching to hit the road. And why not? They’ll be on vacation for 4 days. Me? I’ll be running around like a madman, stressing out about this and that, right up until Saturday night when the last man is no longer standing. Then it’ll be two days of cleanup! Why the hell do I do this every year??

Because it’s so damn much fun!!

I’ve been chatting with TEP, Lynner and King and can’t wait to see the rest of ‘em. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for the weather to treat them much better than it did last year.

It’s been a crazy year so far, but there’s nothing like some good old kickin’ back with friends and sharing some laughter to cure what ails ya, right? We’ll crack some frosties, shoot some shots on the luge, feast on roasted pork, and swap some tall tales. Yep; it’ll be another successful day.

So to all those that I will see on Saturday – Bring It!!

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