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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Tale of Two Sheds

I know I keep bouncing back and forth between Florida and winter, but you'll have to bear with me. You see, this is the mind-set I find myself in of late; having to deal with the wintry crap all around me, but my head is still down in FLA.

So with that, here's the tale of two sheds...

When I bought my house, there was an old decrepit shed in the back yard. It was beyond old; rusted through in spots, missing doors...you get the idea. I was going to put in a new shed, but I figured I could still get some use out of the old one; it'd make a great firewood shed. And it's served that purpose wonderfully for a little over 10 years.

The second shed came into being roughly 4 years ago. I took great care with this one; I leveled the spot where it would go, I built and painted a solid platform for it to rest on, etc. This thing was getting the good life. And in this shed, I stored my yard equipment, tiki torches for the annual cinco party, various toys from my niece and nephew, etc. Stuff that needed good solid protection. And that shed fit the bill nicely.

And then, along came the winter of 2010-2011...

Shed 1 lacked the structural integrity to handle the weight of all the snow we had this year (it'd melted a bit by the time of this pic)...
Shed 2 easily withstood the weight of the snow...but was no match for the tree that decided to come down...

You wanna know the REAL kicker? You don't see them in this pic, but this farkin tree had to fall perfectly between about a dozen other ones, for it to hit my shed like that. If this stupid thing had gone a foot to either side, it would have been blocked and my shed would have lived to see another summer.

The bad news is I'm going to need the jaws of life to get my lawnmower out. The good news is the snow ain't gonna melt until October, and the growing season will be over by then.

Is it time to go back to Florida yet???

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