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Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Bad Timing

First, the good news; we wound up with no snow from yesterday's storm. The bad news is that my bike is in the shop and I apparently timed things poorly. They have 'customer appreciation' days this Friday and Saturday - which means their Service dept is closed - which means my bike doesn't get worked on. Add to that the fact the dealership is closed on Monday... The guy at the desk said he thought they "might" be able to start working on it by late next week. Arrgghhh....I can feel my seasonal tensions rising...

The ride down last night was actually rather enjoyable. The conditions were miserable (40's and pouring rain), and traffic was ungodly. My 33 mile ride took almost an hour and a half. Did you just do the math in your head? Yeah; I averaged 10mph the entire time. And this is on 495 and 95; major interstate highways! But all that aside, I actually did enjoy the ride (except for one point when there was a grand fender-bender that happened right next to me. The exploding sound of metal ramming metal right beside me caused more than a bit of butt puckerage, but aside from that, it was a great chance to practice my slow riding skills.)

When I finally arrived at the dealership and was waiting at the service desk, one of the old-timer techs chuckled and asked me if I'd just had the worst ride of the year. I laughed and said no, not at all, it was actually rather nice. He didn't seem at all convinced, and with a confused look at the puddle spreading at my feet, he ambled off.

After signing off and leaving the bike behind, the only thing to do was to find a pub and have a drink. Fortunately, we found a nice Irish joint and settled in for a bit.

And that's that; I'm officially bike-less and not at all crazy about it...especially as I gaze out the window and the sunny skies... Oh well, with any luck I'll get it back in time for my work's shutdown week (between Christmas and New Year's) and will be able to get some last-ditch miles on.

So now what? Well, until I'm back on two wheels, I guess you'll just have to bear with me as I revert to posting random nonsense.

(*Sigh* Wishing I was) Riding Hard, Taking Chances

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