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Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Friday, December 16, 2011

December Riding!

Ahhh, it's a rare treat when you walk out your door, first thing on a December morning, and the air wraps its arms around you, embracing you in 50 degree warmth. Judging from the wet pavement of my driveway, there'd been a passing bit of precipitation overnight, but the skies were clearing, a gentle breeze was blowing...and, it's Friday! A warm Friday, in the middle of December! Today was nothing less than an amazing gift from the Riding Gods!

I envisioned the roads, beckoning to me as I eased through the curves, aiming for some of the fantastic straightaways that lie along my commute. Traffic would be light this early, and I would make great, great time. Hell - I was caught up at work - there'd be nothing to stop me from just adding a few roads to the ride, racking up some extra miles. Two wheels on a morning like this would truly be wondrous way to begin the day!

(These were the thoughts that rolled through my head as I climbed into my Jeep, and hoped that my bike would be finished at the dealership soon...)

(Not yet) Riding Hard, Taking Chances

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