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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Timing Is Everything

Gotta put the bike into the shop tonight - it's exhibiting the same tell-tale sounds from the Tranny that the last bike did; a high-pitched whining sound that remains constant at speed (regardless of shifting), as well as a click-click-click sound whenever I'm pushing the bike backward (even in Neutral). Kinda sucks that the mirror-image bike I bought wound up having the same tranny probs as the original bike.

When the tranny sounds began making themselves known, I decided to try and ride right into the pit of Winter. Once we had a huge snowfall and the roads were going to be junk for a while, then I'd bring it in. Alas, the noises are getting much louder, and given the possible scenario that was outlined by the dealership in Jamestown (the tranny grenades, the rear tire locks up...), I figure it's better to be safe than sorry (I must be getting old).

So anyway, the plan for about a week now, has been to drop the bike off tonight. And here we are; there's snow forecast for tonight. Did I wind up timing things perfectly? Well, if it were a real heavy storm coming, then I'd say yes, that I'd achieved my original goal of riding as long as I could. Tough to say at this point how much we're going to get, but watching the weather this morning, the accumulation totals began to creep higher. What was originally going to be slushy rain has now changed to over an inch, and may even climb higher. It definitely feels cold enough out there to snow, but the stuff coming out of the sky is still liquid, so we'll see when it turns.

Should make for a fun ride to the dealership later!

Hopefully this dealership will be able to turn the bike around as quickly as Jamestown did (three days!) and I'll be able to get some more miles on before the calendar's odometer clicks over to 2012. Wish me luck!

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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